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1.Carter. R., & Bu. N. (2017). UNWTO General Assembly Smart Tourism Session Report (联合国世界旅游组织项目).

2.Bu, N. (2018). The 22nd Session of the UNWTO General Assembly – Special Session on Smart Tourism: Chengdu, China, 14-15 September 2017. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1-3.

3.Xu, S., L, M., Bu, N., & Pan, S. (2017). Regulatory frameworks for ecotourism: An application of Total Relationship Flow Management Theorems. Tourism Management, 61, 321-330. 中国教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(项目编号:14YJA630027

4.Bu, N. (2017). Toilet Revolution as an Initiative for China’s Tourism and Social Development. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13(3), 316-319. 

5.Bu, N., & Xiao, H. (2017). The 10th UNWTO/PATA forum on tourism trends and outlook: 20–22 October 2016, Guilin, China. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 28(3), 459-461.

106.Yi-Chung Hu, Peng Jiang, Yu-Jing Chiu, Jung-Fa Tsai, 2017, A Novel Grey Prediction Model Combining Marko Chain with Functional-Link Net and Its Application to Foreign Tourist Forecasting. Information, 8, 126. doi:10.3390/info8040126 (EI) 

6.Yi-Chung Hu and Peng Jiang, 2017, Forecasting energy demand using neural-network based grey residual modification models. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68, 556–565.

7.Peng Jiang, Yi-Chung Hu, and Ghi-Feng Yen, 2017,Applying Grey Relational Analysis to Find Interactions between Manufacturing and Logistics Industries in Taiwan. Advances in Management & Applied Economics, 7(3):21-40. 

8.Yi-Chung Hu,Yung-Liang Chiou, and Peng Jiang, 2017, Evaluating Key Factors of Bakers Winning Prizes in International Competition Using DEMATEL-Based ANP. Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies, 23(1):101-127. 

